Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden at First Presbyterian Church was dedicated on October 4, 2020. It is a place of peace and repose for the cremains of those who have expressed a desire to be interred within the garden wall or the garden bed. It reflects the New Testament concept of the “communion of saints” which emphasizes the church’s ongoing relationship with those who have gone before us.

The Memorial Garden is a place where people can go to remember and celebrate the joys of life with their loved ones. The Memorial Garden is located near the Labyrinth, another space for contemplation and meditation. In its final completion, there will be three columbarium walls, each holding eighty secure niches for cremated human remains. The niches are uniformly inscribed with names and years of birth and death.

In this first phase, we have one columbarium wall. A paved paths and benches offer an  opportunity for private meditation. The design of the paving with the inserted Celtic Cross reminds us of our Christian heritage. Surrounding the central walls, landscaping also reflects our Christian heritage. The three trees planted to frame the first wall represent the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Comforter. The weeping maple reflects Jesus' tears at times of great sorrow. The large boulder opposite the maple represents the stone removed from Jesus’ grave. Other plantings will enhance the beauty and serenity of the area. Within the plantings are opportunities for the scattering of cremains.

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The Memorial Garden is available for the interment of human cremains: first to members of First Presbyterian Church and to ministers of the church and their immediate families, and second to extended families, and then to others upon approval of the Session. The term “immediate family” includes spouses, (grand)parents, children and grandchildren of church members. Session specifically reserves the right to approve all applications.